"O Pa Pi" is going to make it.
For over 6 months, the Japanese Owarai (comic) scene, mainly variety TV shows, have been overflowing with the antics of Kojima Yoshio, a Waseda graduate and former elementary school teacher. Kojima's act up to this point has been to wear bikini swim trunks and dance while improving lyrics based on his current environment. This guy is funny, because he makes a complete idiot of himself. The question up until today has been, how long will he last? Making it in the Owarai scene is a tall task, and many have failed.
New entries are put to the test. One prank show designed to test the dedication of several comics employed hot Japanese models, one for each of the comics being tested, and told them to "pick up" the comic. Kojima was one. The show followed in secret from the first supposedly accidental meeting, through flirting by short messages and phone calls, to an actual date where the girl invites the comic to her house, under presumed sexual circumstances. On the way to her home, she leads Kojima to fall into a prepared trap door in front her building, thus exposing the trick. The staff runs out and gets their laughs at his expense. Not only was the date a sham, but all of his flirting and messages were read by the staff. He is utterly humiliated. The world of Owarai is not for the weak hearted.
One month later, Kojima is still around. This time he is performing for kids on a stage in his hometown. Again a trapdoor has been prepared on the stage. Kojima falls in the middle of his performance and the audience and staff (including me, watching TV) have a great laugh at his expense. As if wearing bikini trunks and acting like a fool wasn't enough humiliation. It isn't.
New entries are put to the test. One prank show designed to test the dedication of several comics employed hot Japanese models, one for each of the comics being tested, and told them to "pick up" the comic. Kojima was one. The show followed in secret from the first supposedly accidental meeting, through flirting by short messages and phone calls, to an actual date where the girl invites the comic to her house, under presumed sexual circumstances. On the way to her home, she leads Kojima to fall into a prepared trap door in front her building, thus exposing the trick. The staff runs out and gets their laughs at his expense. Not only was the date a sham, but all of his flirting and messages were read by the staff. He is utterly humiliated. The world of Owarai is not for the weak hearted.
One month later, Kojima is still around. This time he is performing for kids on a stage in his hometown. Again a trapdoor has been prepared on the stage. Kojima falls in the middle of his performance and the audience and staff (including me, watching TV) have a great laugh at his expense. As if wearing bikini trunks and acting like a fool wasn't enough humiliation. It isn't.
Kojima's hometown performance, with trapdoor.
Yet Kojima is still around, amazingly, and still laughing and having fun
on TV. His act will eventually wear thin, but he has proved himself to the community (for now). He is currently doing variety TV shows with famous/established comics including one of the most famous, Sanma Akashiya, host of over 9 successful variety shows. The two have become friends, and Kojima's popularity is increasing.

Sanma Akashiya
By Spring 2008, the Japanese comic community will fit Kojima into a new roll with new acts as his bikini trunks and dance fade out. Kojima caught the attention of the community, attracted them to him, and proved his value. This one is going to go far, and I presume we will see him on TV for many years to come. I look forward to his new acts.