Ring in the New Year.
First of all, before you read any further, please check out this blog from our favorite Fuzzy Star Wars creature: rrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnhhhh.blogspot.com
2006, the year of the Dog, is going to be a great year. By the way, did you all see that movie "Danny the Dog" with Jet Li? Good stuff, highly recomended for action movie fans. A little bit too bi-polar if you ask me though. Morgan Freeman was great as a blind guy, go figure.
Back to the point 2006 is going to be a great year. I am going to be 27 this year. But first we must say good bye to 2005.
2005 was one of those years that I was glad went by quickly. However, there were some excellent occasions worth noting. Lucas and Becky visiting in August for the fire festival. Tamami and Rocky's wedding in June. Going to Colorado Springs with Taiko. Jon and Jessie visiting in July. And the normal list of FJY fun. Names include Jun, Saho, Paul, Jason, Juri, Kim, Sterling, Jaime, Toby, Peter, Keiko, and too many others to list.
2006 kicks off with a bang, and I get a new pair of eyes. Indeed this will be good for my blog reading regulars as well, becuase the photos here will get a shot of adrenaline. I purchased a Digital SLR by Nikkon that deserves some attention. Most anthropomorphisms aside, my keitai camera that I was using previously still works, and though somewhat insecure next to the big new camera, will still find a place when and where I need to take photos from the hip. The keitai camera (cellphone) is definitely a wonder of technology.

2006, the year of the Dog, is going to be a great year. By the way, did you all see that movie "Danny the Dog" with Jet Li? Good stuff, highly recomended for action movie fans. A little bit too bi-polar if you ask me though. Morgan Freeman was great as a blind guy, go figure.
Back to the point 2006 is going to be a great year. I am going to be 27 this year. But first we must say good bye to 2005.
2005 was one of those years that I was glad went by quickly. However, there were some excellent occasions worth noting. Lucas and Becky visiting in August for the fire festival. Tamami and Rocky's wedding in June. Going to Colorado Springs with Taiko. Jon and Jessie visiting in July. And the normal list of FJY fun. Names include Jun, Saho, Paul, Jason, Juri, Kim, Sterling, Jaime, Toby, Peter, Keiko, and too many others to list.
2006 kicks off with a bang, and I get a new pair of eyes. Indeed this will be good for my blog reading regulars as well, becuase the photos here will get a shot of adrenaline. I purchased a Digital SLR by Nikkon that deserves some attention. Most anthropomorphisms aside, my keitai camera that I was using previously still works, and though somewhat insecure next to the big new camera, will still find a place when and where I need to take photos from the hip. The keitai camera (cellphone) is definitely a wonder of technology.