Today I went with the first year students and teachers on an excursion to Tokyo. We went to Ueno Park, which houses a zoo and several art, history, and science museums. I was invited to go as a guest and have a good time. Today is a good example of why this is one of the most unique jobs around.

Inside Ueno Park.

While walking around with the students I heard comments like, "Wow! That student got tall real fast!"

Polar Bears.


You know it's a good day in Japan when you end up with three bottles of tea. I received one bottle for the bus ride, one for lunch, and one at the end of the excursion for the ride home. Inside the bus, the students played games similar to "Mad-Libs" and "Pictionary."

Inside Ueno Park.

While walking around with the students I heard comments like, "Wow! That student got tall real fast!"

Polar Bears.


You know it's a good day in Japan when you end up with three bottles of tea. I received one bottle for the bus ride, one for lunch, and one at the end of the excursion for the ride home. Inside the bus, the students played games similar to "Mad-Libs" and "Pictionary."